Set in the Kent countryside, Bleangate Brewery is blessed with fields surrounded by ancient oak woodlands. The brewery taproom and shop, 'The Cathedral', is a special place to worship the product of the bine and the grain, a wonderful place to stop by for a glass or two of beer, a takeaway or join the faithful at Firkins at Full Moon, our monthly gatherings.
Firkins at Full Moon events include a range of live music, and other entertainment. Click below to be added to the mailing list for regular monthly newsletters.
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Firkins at Full Moon in October
October is the Preferred month to hunt summer-fattened deer and fox are unable to hide in bare fields.
Like the corn/hunters moon, this moon is particularly bright and long in the sky.
Firkins at Full Moon in November
The November full moon is called the Beaver Moon because this was the time to set up traps before the swamps froze to ensure a good supply of furs for the winter but also because this is the most active time for beavers to build their winter dams.
Watch this space, details to follow
Christmas Firkins at Full Moon
The coming of winter earned Decembers full name moon, the Cold Moon. Its also the first full moon after winter solsist (the shortest day and longest night of the year)
watch this space, details to follow