Set in the Kent countryside, Bleangate Brewery is blessed with fields surrounded by ancient oak woodlands. The brewery taproom and shop, 'The Cathedral', is a special place to worship the product of the bine and the grain, a wonderful place to stop by for a glass or two of beer, a takeaway or join the faithful at Firkins at Full Moon, our monthly gatherings.
Firkins at Full Moon events include a range of live music, and other entertainment. Click below to be added to the mailing list for regular monthly newsletters.
Upcoming Events

Charity Quiz Night
Friday 7th February, a charity quiz in aid of Canterbury Hospital League of Friends. The quiz will start at 7pm with teams of maximum six people and please be prepared to mix and match, if necessary, £5 per person. Quiz will start at 7pm, booking advisable; there is space outside for the brave who have not booked and if we run out of tables inside. There will be some games at the interval e.g. Heads and Tails. We will be serving pizzas from 4pm-6:30pm and pork pies/veggie pies and bar snacks throughout the evening.

Firkins at Full Moon in Feburary
The Snow Moon is named after February’s cold, snowy weather. It is also referred to as the hunger moon or the storm moon.

Firkins at Full Moon in March
This moon is called the Worm Moon because it is the last full moon of winter in which worm trials would appear in the ground. It is also refered to as the Sap Moon, after the tapping of maple trees.

Firkins at Full Moon in April
The Pink Moon is named after a species of early blooming wildflower. In other cultures is also called the Egg Moon and the Sprouting grass moon as this is when the geese lay their eggs and the birds come back.
Details to follow

Firkins at Full Moon in May
This Moon is referred to a Flower moon thanks to the abundant blooming that occurs as spring gets going properly.
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Firkins at Full moon in June
The harvesting of strawberries in June gives it its name. Others call it the Hot Moon due to it being the beginning of hot weathers.
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Firkins at Full Moon in July
Male deer, which shed their antlers every year, begin to regrow them in July. Some refer to this moon as the thunder moon due to the summer storms.
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Firkins at Full Moon in August
Named after North Americas largest fish, the Surgeon Moon is during the time that the species increased in number and is also referred to as the red moon due to the reddish hue it takes on in the summer skies.
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Firkins at Full Moon in October
October is the Preferred month to hunt summer-fattened deer and fox are unable to hide in bare fields.
Like the corn/hunters moon, this moon is particularly bright and long in the sky.
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